miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2007

level 1

These are the students from P111....
Maria Fabiola Faria http://www.fabiolafg.blogspot.com/
Maria jose Carreño http://www.mariajosecarreo.blogspot.com/
Alberto Montiel http://www.albertomontiel15.blogspot.com/
Sammy Chourio http://www.sammychourio.blogspot.com/
Mario Fuenmayor http://www.antoniofuenmayor.blogspot.com/
Patricia Moran http://www.patricia-moran.blogspot.com/
Daliana Pirela http://www.dalianapirela.blogspot.com/
Fabiola Portillo http://www.fabychiqui.blogspot.com/
Walther Galue http://www.walthergalue.blogspot.com/
Miguel Paz http://www.miguel1987-miguel.blogspot.com/
Daniel Perea http://www.el-gocho.blogspot.com/
Edgar Briceño http://www.englishman.blogspot.com/
Andrea Infante http://www.andreainfante.blogspot.com/
Albert Urdaneta http://www.alberturdaneta.blogspot.com/
Naudys Delgado http://www.naudys-miespacio.blogspot.com/
Ligni Frias http://www.lignifrias.blogspot.com/
Karina Chirinos http://www.karinachirinos2007.blogspot.com/
Viviana Acosta http://www.vivianaacosta.blogspot.com/
Adriana Bordon http://www.adrinabordon.blogspot.com/

it´s the family simpson
Mr. homero is father son bar, lissa and magy
Mrs. marg wife in homero
¿What`s her name?
Her name is shakira

¿Where is she from?
She is from colombia

¿Where is she from originally?
she is guajira barrabquilla

¿What`s her first language?
It`s espanish.

¿How old is she?
She have 33 years old.

¿What`s her nationality?
Here`s colombeam.

¿How is she?
She is shaki,tall,smart and nice.

Justin Randall Timberlake.

His name is Justin Timberlake.

He was born in tennessee United States,on january 31,1981,sometimes he is kno as Jt is an american pop,R&B singer and actor.

He`s originally Memphis.

He have 26 years old.

He first lenguague is english.

He`s in front of the dancer.

He wearing a white shirt,a pant`s and white sneackers.

He`s very handsome,nice,funny,tall and sincere.

uniti---> 6

My Parent`s

my mother name is Argelia,She`s have 46 years old,she is a good mom,She`s home wife

This is my Dream house..
It`s on Cancun Mexico.This house is big and beautiful,there are five bedrooms and three bathroom.Downnstairs there is the living room,the dining room and the kitchen.


hi, my name is frish name is brian and last name is gallardo I study acounty in urbe university